John — it’s team Defend the Senate here. We’re coming to you with an important update:

As you probably know, Mitch McConnell and the GOP only need to flip two seats in 2024 to win back the Senate majority. This election is shaping up to be one of the most consequential elections of our lifetimes, so we need to start making early investments.

With less than 48 hours until our mid-quarter fundraising deadline, we just checked our ActBlue records — and noticed that you haven’t made a donation yet this year. You have the chance to do something big right now:

Will you join the chorus of Philadelphia Democrats making a donation right now — even just $3 — to help us protect vulnerable Senators and Defend the Senate?

Defend the Senate
2023 ActBlue Record

Name: John
Email: [email protected]
2023 Donor: Incomplete
Suggested Action: Donate $3


Donating helps us defend vulnerable Democrats up for reelection such as Bob Casey, Jacky Rosen, and John Tester — and will help beat back the millions that national Republicans are going to flood into battleground states.

So, before our mid-quarter deadline tomorrow night, we wanted to let you know that we’re grateful for your support so far. We’re asking you to take it one step further and make a $3 donation to help us reach our mid-quarter goal and Defend the Senate.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support.

— Defend the Senate