Refuse Fascism Episode 167 uploaded August 13: Sam Goldman talks with attorney and writer Madiba Dennie about the SCOTUS ruling from this June which eliminated race conscious education admissions. Plus more commentary on the brewing crisis escalated by the most recent indictments of Trump.

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Madiba Dennis:
Not so much colorblindness, as being blindfolded. It's ignoring the racism that already exists. This whole idea of neutrality and colorblindness is in fact a purposeful choice to uphold the question. These are all part and parcel of an ongoing conservative legal mission to defang all of the Constitution's equitable tools. So we should be demanding the fulfillment of the Reconstruction amendments. We need to get way more comfortable saying the court is wrong and acting accordingly.
Sam Goldman:
we sit back and pop the popcorn and cheer, letting it stay a fight
between the fascists and the Democrats who have at best served as a
stop-gap against the fascist takeover, if we let this stay on the terms
of this system, we will be all but handing the future to the fascists.
But not only that, we will be watching as the world burns when we - the
people in our millions - have the rare opportunity in part through this
struggle (if we seize it) of actually getting rid of this monstrous
system and forging a new course for humanity.
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