![]() “The greatest evils in the world will not be
carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.” — C. S. Lewis Patriot, One year from now, the cost of fixing or replacing your air conditioner will double. A new dishwasher will no longer clean your dishes. Your home will have to be retrofitted for an entirely new type of water heater, because the standard models most people can afford have been outlawed by executive fiat. It seems no home appliance is safe. Even ceiling fans are being targeted by the Biden administration in their quest to "save the planet" even if it leads to intense human suffering. All of this is occurring at the direction of those whispering in the ear of Joe Biden: Climate Czar John Kerry, Energy Secretary (and well-known climate fanatic) Jennifer Granholm, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . . . and others. And it's going to get worse and worse, if you and I don't put a stop to it. The precedent of authoritarian rule accelerates the longer this continues. Congress needs to exercise its duty and take back rule-making authority NOW. And there is something you can do, right now, to stop the madness – and that's to DEMAND action. ![]() There's a very disturbing trend where people only speak up when “their team” isn't in power. Once “their team” is in power, every encroachment against liberty is met with silence. That's why you and I must SPEAK UP, no matter who is in power. Just two weeks ago, the Biden administration announced new regulations on water heaters, mandating water pumps use a premium technology that consumers will have to pay for. Last March, the regime announced new regulations on home washing machines and refrigerators that experts estimate will introduce $14.4 BILLION “incremental product costs” and contribute to more than 584,000 additional annual hours of paperwork. And of course, it became a major story this year the Biden administration is seeking to impose draconian regulations on gas stoves that would ban roughly half of the stoves on the market today. Last month Biden announced his administration was planning to impose regulations on dishwashers to limit their water usage – effectively requiring your dishwasher to be unable to wash dishes. . . . . . Even environmental groups are crying foul on this one! Meanwhile, the Biden administration quietly eliminated the purchase of incandescent light bulbs. That’s right. As of last week, you cannot purchase incandescent light bulbs unless the store already has them in stock. No more are to be made, and no more are to be shipped to your local stores. Who would have thought there would ever be a black market for lightbulbs?!? Patriot, this is a WAR on YOU and your family and your home. And it’s all happening because Congress is allowing the administration to write the rules. And the most insidious thing about it is it’s all being done covertly. The average American doesn’t even know about these regulations brewing in the Washington swamp. . . Most will only discover what’s happened when they call a technician to repair an aging appliance . . . only to be told it can’t be fixed because of the new burdens placed on you by government. Americans should be outraged, Patriot. And we should demand Congress do its job – because they could never pass these regulations if Congress had to vote on them! That’s why the REINS Act – Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act – is so critical. ![]() I’m counting on you to contact your lawmakers today, Patriot, and tell them you’ve had enough of the government’s intrusions into your home and they need to do their job. Maybe you don’t think the politicians are listening. I can tell you from my 24 years in Congress, the petitions, postcards, and phone calls are enormously influential. Politicians know that citizens who contact their lawmakers are civically engaged, serious people. And all of them are either worried about re-election or about which side will be in the majority in two years. I’ve seen letters pass and defeat legislation. That’s why I make sure every one of your petitions and e-postcards for Campaign for Liberty get delivered. And it makes it worthwhile for us when we’re delivering them in large stacks whether by fax or mail or dropped in their offices on Capitol Hill. This is a fight worth making. Most of today’s ridiculous regulations – like the Biden administration trying to ban gas stoves or ban pistol braces – would never be approved by Congress. By passing the REINS Act, we can rein in the rogue administration in a major way. All it takes is a moment to complete a simple form – so what are you waiting for? ![]() For decades now, bureaucratic red tape has bound the hands of hardworking Americans and entrepreneurs preventing them from reaching their full potential. In fact, studies show the economic cost of federal regulations have soared well over $1.5 trillion every year. These days, Congress leaves lawmaking up to Washington D.C.'s permanent bureaucracies while they play partisan political games. And while Congress fiddles, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is outlawing the appliances in your home, and Joe Biden allows it with a stroke of his pen. REINS has already passed the U.S. House. Now, you and I must DEMAND this critical legislation pass the Senate as soon as possible! Signing the petition only takes seconds, and Campaign for Liberty, unlike the government, respects your privacy and refuses to share your personal information with anyone. Only your name and zip code are sent to lawmakers with your petition. So please take a minute to sign right now. And then, if you can, I hope you’ll also make your most generous contribution to help your Campaign for Liberty REIN in Big Government. Patriot, should you and I succeed in passing the REINS Act, it would be a massive blow against Big Government. Bloated and unconstitutional federal bureaucracies will see much of their power stripped – paving the way for their outright ELIMINATION. Just by having a recorded vote on the REINS Act, we will put The Swamp’s vulnerable defenders in a political bind. Lawmakers in swing districts will be digging their political graves if they go on record AGAINST legislation to stop unaccountable Washington, D.C. bureaucrats from running our lives. It’s a win-win situation – but Campaign for Liberty needs your help to bring resources to bear on these vulnerable lawmakers. After you sign your petition, please make a generous contribution today to help Campaign for Liberty hold Washington politicians accountable. Whether you can make a most generous contribution of $100, $200, $500 or more, or if $50 is a lot, every bit makes a difference, and you know I am a strong believer in spending wisely. So please sign your petition and make your most generous contribution to support Campaign for Liberty now! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. As you know, politics is a numbers game, so the more petitions we can deliver, the BIGGER of an impact we can make. But digital grassroots mobilization isn’t free. Can you give $1,000 or $500 today? Even if you can only give $200, $100, $50, or less, every bit helps make the difference. Can you chip in? Can you help us create a massive grassroots firestorm to REIN IN BIG GOVERNMENT? If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. 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Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
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