EXCLUSIVE: Jeremy Story says he was “arrested and jailed for exposing” a school board’s “misdeeds,” and the school district’s attempts to sweep the story “under the ‘legal rug’” are failing.
EXCLUSIVE: This group in a Tennessee city says it aims to fight “hate” but collaborates with the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, which brands mainstream conservative nonprofits “hate groups.”
“Any substantial topic taken up in gender studies may be found thoroughly treated in the ordinary academic disciplines such as history, psychology, or biology,” board member Matt Spalding explains.
Alabama GOP Chairman John Wahl says banning Republican candidates from receiving donations from teachers unions helps ensure that parents, not special interests, control their kids’ education.
The pro-life movement waited 49 years for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and we face an uphill battle toward our ultimate goal: abortion abolition in America. Abraham Lincoln has good advice for us.
Alliance Defending Freedom will appeal after a court in Massachusetts rules that a middle school has the right to ban a student from wearing a T-shirt with the words: “There are only two genders.”
A federal court blocks President Biden’s revised rule that would have let the Department of Education erase billions of dollars in student loans and make private colleges or taxpayers foot the bill.