We need all hands on deck right now to make sure as many voters as possible stay on the rolls.  
Just hours left to prevent a massive voter purge in Georgia. RUSH A DONATION!

Today is the final day to help the 191,000 voters impacted by Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s voter purge keep their registrations. Will you please chip in $20 or anything you can to support our Prevent the Purge Fund and make sure we can contact every voter we possibly can?

This is probably not news to you: Georgia’s voter purges have become a topic of national embarrassment stretching back to Brian Kemp’s purging of half a million voters in July 2017 when he was Secretary of State. This blatant voter suppression in Georgia is one of the reasons why Fair Fight was founded.

Raffensperger has clearly followed in Kemp's footsteps. He might call these voter purges “an important tool for election integrity” but we — and you — know better.

Fair Fight volunteers are still calling and texting voters to ensure we do everything possible to minimize the damage of the purge. We depend on support from voting rights champions like you in order to quickly launch and maintain this mobilization work.

To put it plainly: We need all hands on deck right now to make sure as many voters as possible stay on the rolls. Please rush a donation right away and help prevent a massive voter purge in Georgia. Your donation, no matter the amount, will go towards our organizing efforts for this and future voting rights fights.


Thanks for making this possible,

The Fair Fight Team