TikTok has been a target of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation for the past year and was named to the 2020 Dirty Dozen List due to lack of moderation and insufficient safety controls, and because it facilitated a space for sexual grooming by abusers or potentially sex traffickers.
Not long after being officially added to the 2020 Dirty Dozen List, TikTok is announcing some changes.
Senator Josh Hawley’s bill, the “Human Trafficking Research Act of 2020,” would fund research on human trafficking victims in order to help the United States find better ways to more effectively combat these crimes.
Internships at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation provide energetic and highly motivated individuals the opportunity to address issues of sexual abuse and exploitation while gaining new skills through hands-on opportunities that seek to prevent exploitation before it begins, and which foster a national culture that stands for freedom from sexual exploitation.
“My assault itself put me in a mental prison, but Pornhub gave me a life sentence. Millions of men watched the six videos of my assault. I have no way of knowing how many of those millions downloaded them and still have access to them..."