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Weekend Edition, August 12-13, 2023


When Atrocity and Perversion Are Ignored by the State, Violence and Crime Will Become the Norm

Gary D. Barnett

The Evidence that Convicts the CIA of the JFK Assassination

Jacob G. Hornberger

Do People Change?

Edward Curtin

August Psychodrama

James Howard Kunstler

Why There Will Be Great Losses (and Great Victories) Ahead

Allan Stevo

Global Elites’ Secret Plot Against Food

Milan Adams

Dr. Tenpenny Is Guilty of Practicing Medicine

Joseph Sansone, PhD

Grand Theft Elections

Brandon Campbell

Writing About Small Things

Theodore Dalrymple

It’s Never About the US President, It’s About the US Empire

Caitlin Johnstone

The American People Are Absolutely Sick And Tired of ‘Bidenomics’

Michael Snyder

Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During Covid

Brandon Smith

Political Theatre

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