News from Representative Al Green

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August 12, 2023
FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION                     Teque'lia Lewis, Press Secretary
August 12, 2023 Press Phone: 202-430-0125
      Email: [email protected]


 Congressman Al Green Hosts Slavery Remembrance Legislative Update with Commemorative Breakfast in the Congressional Dining Room of the U.S. Capitol Building

(Washington, D.C.) — On Saturday, August 12, 2023, Congressman Al Green will host an historic Slavery Remembrance Legislative Update with Commemorative Breakfast to legislatively implement a National Day of Slavery Remembrance annually on August 20th. The annual event will help ensure the evils of slavery are never forgotten and never repeated. The event will take place in the Congressional Members Dining Room of the U.S. Capitol Building.

The event will spotlight key legislative initiatives, including the legislation creating Slavery Remembrance Day, as well as legislation relating to historical figures John Brown and Nat Turner. Congressman Green will highlight efforts to secure Congressional Gold Medals for the enslaved, recognizing their immense contributions as the economic foundational mothers and fathers of America’s economic greatness, similar to what Congress did for Confederate soldiers in 1956. Congressman Green will present descendants with flags that have been flown over the United States Capitol in recognition of their ancestor’s historical significance.

“I am honored to host this historic Slavery Remembrance Legislative Update that pays tribute to the enslaved and their descendants,” said Congressman Al Green. “As a nation, we must acknowledge the horrors of slavery and legislate a future that upholds equality and justice for all.” 

Click here to watch the Facebook Live Stream of the event.



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