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Subject Great Powers Competition in 2020; Algeria’s Hirak One Year Later; Censorship in Russia
Date February 21, 2020 9:34 PM
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FEBRUARY 21, 2020

Wilson Weekly

Stalemate but not Defeated: The Algerian Hirak One Year Later [[link removed]] Marina Ottaway observes that the yearlong movement that began in Algeria in February 2019 “has no clear path to realizing its aspiration to overthrow the political class that has ruled the country for decades and to force the long overdue generational transfer of power. It has avoided defeat, but it is not likely to achieve victory, either.”

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Censorship and Self-Censorship in Russia Imagine Being Ukraine Right Now
Independent journalist and political analyst Konstantin Eggert states that more than two decades of rule by Russian President Vladimir Putin means that “a lot of people don’t need to be told what to say, and how to present certain topics. They already know. It’s not self-censorship; it’s just living in censorship." Disinformation Fellow Nina Jankowicz discusses the significant impact that the global spotlight has had on the national psyche of Ukraine – and how U.S. society can counter the continuing menace of disinformation.

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Great Powers Game On: Competition and Cooperation
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Wilson in the news
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How far will India go with its social agenda in 2020? (Asia Dialogue) [ [link removed] ]Michael Kugelman observes that “ideological and political factors give New Delhi little incentive to apply the brakes to its Hindu nationalist strategy.”
Lessons of the First Automation Crisis (The American Interest) [[link removed]]Steve Lagerfeld argues that “a healthy skepticism about the rhetoric surrounding today’s automation debates should not prevent anyone from taking the questions posed by the rise of artificial intelligence and other technologies with great seriousness.”
Drop the Corruption, Keep the Authoritarianism (The New York Times) [[link removed]]Maxim Trudolyubov explores Russia’s changing politics and Vladimir Putin’s plans to shake up Russian governance organization.

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Competition and Cooperation: Redefining Asia’s Economic Objectives [[link removed]]Feb. 25, 2020 | 10:00-11:30 am
Book Launch: The Hacker and the State by Dr. Ben Buchanan [[link removed]]Feb. 26, 2020 | 9:30-10:30 am
After Parliamentary Elections: Iran's Political Future [[link removed]]Feb. 26, 2020 | 10:00-11:15 am
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