Can you add your name to call on Congress to pass Senator Whitehouse’s SCERT Act?

Whitehouse for Senate


By now you’ve heard the news that the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Sheldon’s bill – the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act – to implement a binding code of ethics at the Supreme Court.

This means the bill is one step closer to becoming law. And with Americans’ trust in the Supreme Court plummeting more and more every day as the justices dig themselves deeper into a self-imposed ethics crisis, the momentum around this legislation couldn’t come at a better time.

We need your support to help get this bill across the finish line. Add your name to call on Congress to pass the SCERT Act and create a system of basic accountability and transparency at the Supreme Court.

The news about right-wing justices secretly accepting fancy junkets from politically interested billionaires keeps getting worse, and it's not bound to slow down any time soon. We just learned about dozens more undisclosed trips Justice Clarence Thomas took on the dime of a handful of right-wing billionaires. This has been going on for decades.

If Sheldon's bill gets signed into law, Supreme Court justices would finally be required to adopt a code of conduct that they would be held accountable to. We'd know a lot more about extravagant gifts to justices and decisions to recuse from cases due to conflicts of interest. And special interest funders who lobby the Court wouldn't be able to hide in the shadows anymore.

This bill will help restore Americans' trust in the Supreme Court, team. Let’s help give Senator Whitehouse the support he needs to get it passed and signed into law. Sign our petition now to tell Congress to pass the SCERT Act >>

Thank you,

Team Whitehouse






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