John – Common Cause members like you power everything we do, from protecting the right to vote… to limiting corporate influence on our democracy… to holding politicians accountable.
That’s why we want to hear from YOU about your ideas for a new Common Cause website!
That’s right: we’re giving a fresh new look – and right now, we need your input on how we can make it better.
Will you take our survey to help Common Cause design an amazing new website? It takes just five minutes >>
Our website is a vital tool in our fight for a better democracy. It’s where we share important actions for members to take, publish all of our research and reports, and provide key resources – like our Find Your Representatives tool and our voter registration portal.
Our goal is to make the new website as user-friendly as possible. That’s where you come in, John.
By taking our survey today, you’ll give our team important insight into what you think the new website should look like and how it can best serve you. All in five minutes or less!
Make your voice heard! Take Common Cause’s official Online Audience Survey today >>
We sincerely appreciate your commitment to Common Cause and our mission – and look forward to sharing the final product with you.
Thanks for all you do,
Jack Mumby, Digital Director
and the team at Common Cause