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☑️Delivering clean energy ☑️Creating millions of good jobs ☑️Putting money back in our pockets


Study after study confirms what millions of us experienced last month: July was the hottest month on record -- and 2023 is projected to be the hottest year on record -- in the planet’s history. Scorching heat waves spread through the South and Southwest. In Florida, the ocean temperatures soared to a record 100°F. And now, firefighters are still working to contain blazes after the deadly wildfires in Hawai’i. All of these events are undeniable truths of climate change. 

It is our responsibility to fight for the future of the planet, but we know the scope of this crisis requires more than individual action -- we need elected officials at every level who are ready to rise to the challenge with bold leadership. The good news is we are already seeing the federal government answering the call with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Inflation Reduction Act is powering our communities with clean energy, creating good-paying union jobs, and lowering our healthcare costs. Most importantly, this is our country’s most impactful plan yet to slow the impact of climate change -- the IRA is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, lowering our carbon footprint overall

To make sure everyone hears about this historic legislation, we launched Powering Progress to get the word out about how awesome the Inflation Reduction Act is. Powering Progress pushes back on the divide-and-conquer politics that are undermining the IRA's success by showing how an active and inclusive government can work for everyone. And we’re getting ready to make next week a nationwide celebration to mark one year since President Biden signed it into law!

Before the official anniversary next week and on the big day, Wednesday, August 16, we invite you to help us get the word out about the benefits of the IRA and fight against politicians perpetuating lies and dividing the masses:

  1. Write a letter to the editor. Letters to the editor (LTE) are a great way to share the benefits the IRA is making in all our lives with a wider audience, and the August 16 anniversary makes for a timely hook, which increases the chance it gets published. So get them to your local paper ASAP! 
  2. Plan for our virtual day of action. Whether you’re able to attend a local Powering Progress event near you or not, you can still join us virtually next week! Indivisible activists are all coming together in a virtual celebration on Wednesday, August 16, to highlight the anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act across social media platforms to help others see the value in an active and inclusive government. Think of all the ways your community will benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act, and spread the truth about these crucial benefits!
  3. Throw a meaningful wrench in the disinformation machine by becoming more informed about clean energy and government spending. When bad faith actors start spreading disinformation about the IRA, use these tools to fight back strategically and give factual evidence against the lies being spouted. 

Together, we can get the word out about the benefits of the IRA, fight disinformation from people trying to spread lies about climate change and the Inflation Reduction Act, and ultimately unite and heal our communities. Commit to do what you can to help at this time, and remember -- we can’t do all this work without you. 

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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Indivisible Civics is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Our mission is to cultivate and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to advance progressive values and policies.

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Indivisible Civics is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.