News from Representative Steil

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August 11, 2023


Seniors are facing uncertain times. Inflation has made everything 15% more expensive than it was two years ago and its harder to get by. As budgets have tightened for seniors, Social Security and Medicare are more important. Seniors have paid into these programs and are counting on them to be there. I am working to protect them.  

For too long, Washington has been spending recklessly. So much so, that politicians were looking for ways to borrow to pay the bills. And in years past, foreign countries and the Social Security trust fund has been a go to source to borrow money for overspending. For years, Washington has been robbing Peter to pay Paul. This needs to end. Instead of borrowing from Social Security and foreign countries like China, we should work to live within our means. We need to protect Social Security and Medicare and get Washington spending under control. You can count on me to make sure these benefits are there for you and your family.

One of the biggest threats to Social Security and Medicare is reckless federal spending. For too long, Congress has failed to focus on protecting these programs, and in fact, has made matters worse.

Spending took off during the pandemic and then hit overdrive afterwards. In the two years following the end of the pandemic several massive government spending bills passed.  The results?  Inflation and increased costs for American families and seniors. From 2021 through 2022, Washington passed over $6 trillion in new spending. That’s equal to $18,000 for every man woman and child in the USA.  I voted against these spending boondoggles for many reasons, but most importantly I voted against these massive spending binges to protect Social Security and Medicare. Every time we spend taxpayer money, or borrow money from China, we are failing to protect Social Security and Medicare. How bad was the spending?  Some of the provisions in these bills included paying people not to work after the pandemic was over. Much of the green new deal energy spending went to companies overseas, including China. I’ve fought against each of these multi-trillion-dollar spending proposals to protect your hard-earned tax dollars.

When you fight against spending, especially money that’s going to global companies, false negative attacks are going to follow. It happens every time. 

As our nation approached the debt limit this Spring, I worked to pass the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This legislation included reasonable and responsible reforms to limit spending, save taxpayers money, and grow the economy. The bill responsibly raised the debt ceiling, cut $40 billion in unnecessary spending, while protecting Social Security, Medicare, and our veterans. It also clawed back billions in unspent Covid funds. It was the right approach. It earned my support and the support of 314 members of the House and 63 members of the Senate. 

Another important part of the legislation would help people get back to work by expanding sensible work requirements for able-bodied, childless adults. Right now, the ratio of workers to Social Security beneficiary is roughly two to one. The ratio used to be five to one in 1960. Work requirements are a commonsense way to help able-bodied, childless adults move into the workforce. When people work they are contributing to Social Security and Medicare, helping protect these programs.

Now, a shadowy group called “Opportunity Wisconsin” is up to the old political game of running negative ads trying to scare seniors about cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Scare tactics are nothing new to Wisconsin TV viewers. They are trying to mislead you. I oppose cutting benefits for our seniors. While there are those that want to risk your financial security with reckless spending, I’m part of the effort to control spending to protect your retirement.  We proved that we could reduce wasteful spending in Washington. We did this while protecting Social Security, Medicare and veterans. I will remain committed to protecting these programs. Don’t mind the negative TV ads.  Know each time you see them, it’s probably just some special interest upset I don’t like the giveaway they are addicted to.  

On Wisconsin,


Bryan Steil
Member of Congress

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