But she needs your help to do it!
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Team, we’ll level with you: Unseating an entrenched incumbent senator like Senator Cornyn is going to be tough, but MJ has faced tougher odds in her life. Sen. Cornyn just released his last finance report before the primary: He’s raised $1.2 million since January and is heading into the primary with over $12 million in the bank.

We’re setting up phone and text banks, hosting meet and greets, placing ad buys, and reaching out to undecided Texans. Can you donate $10 to help fund our ads and build the infrastructure we need?

MJ doesn’t give a damn about what the corporate PACs with their deep pockets want Washington to care about on any given day. We elect senators to represent us, not special interests, and that’s why MJ believes it’s time to retire Senator John Cornyn.

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TV and digital ads are a crucial part of our strategy and we’re relying on your support to keep ours in front of Texans. In these last days before the primary, we’re all digging deep. MJ could really use your support.

We’re running out of time, but with your help, we’re gonna give Texans the representation we deserve.

Thank you,

Team MJ




MJ Hegar was a member of the US Air Force and the Air National Guard. Use of her military rank, job, titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement from the Department of Defense, Air Force, or Air National Guard.

MJ for Texas
P.O. Box 7156
Round Rock, TX 78683

Contributions or gifts to MJ for Texas are not tax-deductible.