And we still have more people we need to reach.  

Hi, I’m Tricia, a volunteer with Fair Fight. I’ve been pitching in however I can since Fair Fight was started — because voter suppression infuriates me, and because I want to do my part to make sure our democracy survives for our children and grandchildren.

I wanted to share an update as we work to contact thousands of voters who are currently at risk of having their registrations purged by Brad Raffensperger.

More below, but if you’re able right now, will you please chip in to Fair Fight’s Prevent the Purge Fund, so volunteers like me can continue to reach impacted Georgia voters who may be at risk of losing their registrations now and in the future?

Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, plans to purge over 191,000 voters from the rolls after August 13, continuing Brian Kemp’s shameful tradition of purging hundreds of thousands of voters from the rolls between election cycles. They’re doing it yet again before the 2024 election 

In the past four years that I’ve been volunteering with Fair Fight, I’ve been able to witness first-hand the voter power we hold here in the South. Georgia voters made such a big impact during the 2020 and 2022 elections that these so-called leaders are scared — and doubling down on their efforts to silence us. 

I’ve also been able to witness first-hand how your support helps us volunteers turn out voters and get them the information they need to cast their ballots. Take a look at the crucial messages we’re sending to voters impacted by this purge right now:

Screenshot of conversation between Tricia and a voter

We have two days left to help voters save their registrations — and we still have more people we need to reach. Your support makes this crucial volunteer and voter mobilization work possible, and we couldn’t do this without you. 

So, will you please make a donation to Fair Fight’s Prevent the Purge Fund today? Any amount you’re able to donate will help voters maintain their registrations before the August 13 deadline, and will help mitigate the impact of any future purges.

Thanks for all your support! 
