Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog examines the next phase of implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act -- negotiated prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries. And we tout the latest legislative proposal to bring back an expanded Child Tax Credit. Please share!
This week on the blog...
The potential impact of the Inflation Reduction Act's efforts to reign in prescription drug prices
August 11
Next Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, an ambitious legislative package that will boost clean energy, lower prescription drug costs, and increase tax fairness by giving the IRS more resources to pursue wealthy tax cheats. Already, millions of Americans with diabetes on Medicare are saving money on insulin, which, in most cases, was capped at $35 beginning this year. And by September 1, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will announce the selection of 10 prescription drugs whose prices will be negotiated between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies. READ MORE »
Another chance to reduce childhood poverty
August 10
When I was born into poverty, the deck was stacked against me in all aspects of life — from educational opportunities and health care to the future earnings I could expect. Now I’ve graduated from college and I’m poised to start my first post-college job. What made the difference? Hard work, yes — but also public investment. Public programs helped keep me fed, healthy, and learning as I grew up. Kids growing up today deserve the same chance. READ MORE »
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