This week I introduced legislation to allow producers to protect their livestock from Crested Caracaras (tropical black and white falcons that behave like vultures) that are killing, injuring, or causing destruction to livestock. August 11, 2023 Allowing Ranchers to Protect their Livestock from Caracara Birds of Prey This week, I introduced legislation to allow producers to protect their livestock from Crested Caracaras (tropical black and white falcons that behave like vultures) that are killing, injuring, or causing destruction to livestock. In the past two decades, destructive Caracara birds of prey have taken up residence throughout Texas and into Louisiana. Despite being a predatory invasive species, the Crested Caracara is currently a protected species under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), which prohibits the take (including killing, capturing, selling, trading, and transport) of protected migratory bird species without prior authorization by the Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Livestock producers in our district have seen a significant increase in the number of lambs killed by Caracaras in recent years. Since these predators are protected, it is currently illegal for producers to protect their livestock from these birds of prey without explicit permission from the federal government. My legislation restores the ability of livestock producers to protect their herds against Caracaras. We should not be protecting tropical birds of prey over American livestock. Protecting Taxpayer Dollars in Broadband Investment As a member of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee, I have been working to help close the digital divide, which greatly affects our district and much of rural America. I am proud to introduce the House companion bill to Senator Rick Scott’s (R-FL) Broadband Buildout Accountability Act to increase transparency for the $42 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Package (BIF) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program grant awarded to the National Technology Information Administration (NTIA), which is currently exempted from transparency requirements under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Broadband Buildout Accountability Act would remove the FOIA exemption and require proof of how the $42 billion is spent to ensure taxpayer dollars are not subject to fraud, waste, or misuse. Rebuilding after Tragedy: The Mason County Courthouse I had the opportunity to get a firsthand look at the restoration progress of the Mason County Courthouse with Mason County Judge Sheree Hardin. During the tour, we got an update from the construction crew supervisor, Glen Lindquist, on the progress of the building and the steps to ensure it will be taken back to its historic accuracy. In early 2021, the courthouse suffered a catastrophic fire and burned extensively. All historic furniture, photos, paintings, and more from Mason County were tragically lost. After the fire, I toured the devastating destruction, and it was incredibly heartwarming to see the progress and witness how the community of Mason has bounced back from this tragedy to rebuild the courthouse in the center of the downtown square. Thank you to all local officials and the community of Mason for recognizing the importance of this iconic piece of history. I especially want to thank the construction team for working through the heat of the summer. It is an honor to represent the hardworking citizens of Mason in Congress. I look forward to seeing more updates on the ongoing construction and the completed courthouse! Town Halls Across Texas It's been a pleasure to be back in Texas traveling the district and hosting five town halls across the district in Garden City, Brady, Mason, San Saba, and Coleman. These meetings are an excellent opportunity for me to hear your thoughts and concerns and answer questions. Thank you to all who came out! If I missed you, please join me in Killeen and Harker Heights on August 15th and 16th—more information is below. Upcoming Events I will be hosting additional events in the coming weeks. I hope to see you there! Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates. Rep. August Pfluger Member of Congress Rep. Pfluger | 1531 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20002 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by