Just announced: Boston Poet Laureate Porsha Olayiwola to join February 27 event as moderator.
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Just announced!
Boston Poet Laureate Porsha Olayiwola to moderate discussion with Richard Blanco
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Getting to the Point with Richard Blanco ([link removed])
Thursday, February 27, at 6 p.m.
On Thursday, February 27, Presidential inaugural poet Richard Blanco will visit the Institute for a discussion on the themes he explores in his recent poetry collection, How to Love a Country, and how Americans can find common ground through shared experiences and ideals. The discussion will be moderated by Porsha Olayiwola, Poet Laureate for the City of Boston.
Richard Blanco was the fifth presidential inaugural poet, serving as poet for President Obama’s second inauguration in 2013. He stands as the youngest, first Latino, immigrant, and gay person to serve in such a role. He is the author of four collections of poetry and three memoirs.
Mr. Blanco will perform a poetry reading as part of the program and will also participate in a book signing. Copies of How to Love a Country will be available for purchase in the Institute gift shop.
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