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Nazi Flag Found Hanging in Frederick High School
On February 14th,
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reporting by Jesse Berman of the Baltimore Jewish Times, discussed the community reaction to an incident at a Frederick County school, where a Nazi flag was seen hanging in a classroom window after school hours.
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Patriot Front Marches on National Mall in Masks
On February 8th, the white supremacist group known as Patriot Front marched on the National Mall shouting, “Reclaim America” while wearing white face masks. This prompted questions from the media and others about why the District of Columbia’s anti-masking laws were not being enforced.
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Swastika Found on East Campus Bridge at Duke University
On February 12th,
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Aaron Bandler from the Jewish Journal reported on Duke University’s response to the discovery of a swastika on its campus. ADL Washington, D.C. Education Director Seth Gordon-Lipkin issued this statement.
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Parents of Slain Army Lieutenant Urge Maryland to Change Hate-Crime Law
On February 11th, Ovetta Wiggins
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reported in the Washington Post on the Annapolis hearings on legislation to change the causation standard for Maryland’s hate crimes law.
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White Supremacist Groups Expand Propaganda Efforts, Report Finds
ADL’s Center on Extremism tracked an ever-growing number of white supremacist propaganda efforts in 2019, including the distribution of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ fliers, stickers, banners and posters. The 2019 data shows an increase of incidents both on and off campus, with a total of 2,713 cases reported (averaging more than seven incidents per day), compared to 1,214 in 2018 – a doubling in activity year over year. This is the highest number of propaganda incidents ADL has ever recorded.
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The 21%: The Lives of Arab Citizens: Sponsored by the Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues and the Edlavitch DCJCC
Join ADL, a member of the Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues, for the 10th annual in-depth exploration of the daily lives and challenges of Arab Citizens of Israel. The program will feature a screening of Breaking Bread followed by a moderated conversation and a shuk. The full program is Pay-What-You-Choose; RSVPs are required as the event is expected to sell-out fast.
Date: Sunday, March 22 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Cafritz Hall, Edlavitch DCJCC
Address: 1529 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC
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Security Expert Discusses Keeping Jewish Institutions Safe
Robert Graves, the new Regional Director of Security for the Secure Community Network, in the Capital Region, spoke to Washington Jewish Week to discuss how he and others are providing assistance on security preparation, assessment of facilities and emergency planning.
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