Did you get a chance to read the email below?
The Primary Election is now behind us – and the November General Election will be here before we know it!
If there is one thing we gained from the results of the Primary, it’s that voters now have a clear choice between supporting candidates who will protect public safety or candidates who will back our current failing and crime-enhancing policies. We here at Shift WA are dedicated to providing our readers with the news needed to make informed voting decisions in upcoming local elections.
But – leading up to the General Election – we need your help.
Will you consider contributing $100, $50, or even $25 to our efforts today?
Thank you,
The Shift WA team
We now have a clear picture of which candidates remain standing as we head to the General Election. One thing is evident: the choice between improving public safety and supporting failed liberal crime policies has never been clearer.
Shift Washington
The August Primary is behind us, and the final votes are almost all counted! 
We now have a clear picture of which candidates remain standing as we head to the General Election. One thing is evident: the choice between improving public safety and supporting failed liberal crime policies has never been clearer.
We here at Shift WA are dedicated to providing our readers with the news needed to make informed voting decisions. Communities across our state are suffering from the impact of terrible public safety policies passed by Democrats. Mainstream media outlets will rarely investigate the truth of these failures in a timely manner – but we won't hesitate to shed light on what’s really going on.
Voters deserve to know which candidates will continue pushing the same failed, crime-enhancing policies and which candidates will fight for public safety. From the very important race for Mayor in Spokane to the city council races in Seattle, you can turn to us for analysis on local races in our state. 
As we gear up for the upcoming November General Election, we need your continued support to continue our efforts. Your contribution of $100, $50, or even $25 means an investment in the only daily communications outlet dedicated to holding Democrats accountable in our state.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team