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I can't believe it's August already, and the first day of
school's around the corner! I hope you and your family have been
enjoying the summer and staying safe and dry during these intense
storms we've been having. Below, you'll find the latest on public
safety, back-to-school news, and more. Let's get to it!
Quick Links: Public Safety |
School Vaccinations | School Readiness | Back-to-School Events | Special Education Resources | Kids Ride Free | DC
Central Kitchen's New HQ | Switching to
Cleaner Appliances | RFK Site News | DOB Enforcement Issues | Southwest
Neighborhood Assembly Scholarship Fund | Social Security Basics | DPW Yard Waste | Funky
Friday | Join My Team! | Nats Ticket Giveaway
Public Safety
Public safety remains my top concern, particularly as we're seeing
persistent and troubling increases in gun violence District-wide. Last
week, I met with Acting
Chief Pamela Smith, who the Mayor has nominated to lead the
Metropolitan Police Department. In our conversation, we talked about
her background and some of her vision for MPD, and I shared my
priority that the District employ a "focused
deterrence" policing model, which strategically uses data to
inform deployment and operations around the relatively known group of
people who commit most gun violence (also known as "hot people"). I
also asked for increased MPD visibility on the beat, as I've heard
from many residents and businesses that they want to see officers on
patrol on foot or bike, rather than in cars, and we talked through the
"hot places" we're seeing in Ward 6. Her nomination will come down to
the Council formally in September, and the Judiciary Committee will
hold hearings for the public to weigh in. Acting Chief Smith has also
been joining Ward 6 neighbors for a number of community walks,
including just this Wednesday near Potomac Gardens, and you'll likely
see her near you in the coming weeks.
But as we know, MPD is only part of the District's public safety
response. As this DCist article highlights, the
Executive Branch still hasn't adopted a plan on paper to have the
entire government work in coordination with the community to reduce
gun violence. We
have one, though, and I'm going to continue to loudly push for the
city to move on it aggressively. We also have two major challenges in
our criminal justice system that are compounding this lack of
strategic coordination: first, getting
our Department of Forensic Sciences re-accredited (it hasn’t been
able to process certain types of crime scene evidence in-house since
2021, meaning cases take longer and are more likely to be "no papered"
- not charged - by prosecutors), and second, increasing the ability of
the federal US Attorney’s Office to prosecute more cases with solid
evidence from MPD. To that point, I was glad to hear US Attorney Matt
Graves, who prosecutes most of our adult crimes, acknowledge
this last week and say his office - as I said to Chief Smith above
- is targeting those people who commit most gun violence. Swift and
certain accountability to disrupt gun violence requires immediate law
enforcement and non-law enforcement interventions for those "hot
people" - which includes charging and successfully prosecuting

I want to note that much of this actual work is going to be carried
out by the Executive Branch and prosecutors, but the Council has a big
role to play with oversight and legislation. For example, in
a recent newsletter, I highlighted the amendments I moved to the
emergency legislation the Council passed one month ago - namely, to
require the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice to pull
together law enforcement to conduct bi-monthly reviews of every single
shooting in the District. Basically, an immediate after-action process
with all the right players at the table. This model is implemented
successfully in many major cities, but not here - yet. A shooting
review is then followed by a second review with more partners at the
table like social services, violence intervention, school
representatives -- the bigger universe of all those government players
with roles to play in reducing gun violence. These two strategies are
pulled directly from the plan I linked to above, and they've been very
effective for similar cities struggling with gun violence. We should
see them get off the ground here shortly, as they're now required by
Turning specifically to Ward 6, either I or a member of my team
have joined neighbors and government partners for at least seven
public safety-related conversations or walks in the past two weeks,
including near Lincoln Park, Eastern Market, three along H Street,
near Potomac Gardens in SE, in Southwest, and near Tyler House in
Northwest. Follow-up looks different depending on the neighborhood's
specific needs, but in addition to more MPD or violence interrupters,
it also means having DDOT trim back branches and ensure street lights
are working, having DPW remove litter and illegal dumping quickly,
pushing the Department of Buildings to enforce against vacant
properties, going after the nuisance businesses with the Attorney
General that are attracting crime, engaging mental health
professionals in areas where we're seeing substance use - and the very
real public safety strategy of building strong neighborhoods by
residents coming together. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you'd
like our office to join you and your neighbors to talk public safety
strategies. I know the challenge can sometimes seem overwhelming, but
there are concrete steps we can all take today, and I'm so proud of
the many Ward 6-ers fighting this fight with me.
School Vaccinations Reminder
While it certainly still feels like summer, the
school year is right around the corner! Most schools begin their new
year on August 28th in about two weeks, but some come back sooner!
It’s important that your children are up to date on their vaccinations
before they return in order to keep them, their classmates, and their
teachers safe. You can see which immunizations are required for
different grades in this guide, and there's more
information here from the Office of the State
Superintendent of Education. Also
see locations of immunization clinics where you can
get your kids vaccinated.
Getting Schools Ready for the New Year
Over the summer, we typically see a blitz of
repairs and improvements made to school buildings. I've been checking
in with school leaders, staff, and parents to make sure DGS is staying
on top of needed repairs. We all understand that conditions in a
school building can suffer from a lot of use by active young people.
But we also have expectations that the buildings be maintained well
and urgent repairs are made to keep our students and staff safe. I'm
working on several issues at schools around the Ward - for example leading DGS through a walk at Brent Elementary School
on Capitol Hill earlier this summer. This morning, I spent time
with school leaders at Jefferson Middle School in Southwest to hear
directly from the principal, foreman, and educators about the
outstanding issues that need to be addressed by DGS in the next couple
of weeks. We left with a good list of action items that I'll escalate
with DGS! If you have specific school building issues that need to be
addressed, please let me know and my team and I will work to focus the
attention of DGS to get the job done.
Back to School Events
Speaking of back to school, we’ve got several great
back-to-school events coming up in Ward 6.
ANC 6E04 Commissioner Denise Blackson is holding a
Back-to-School Event this
Saturday, August 12, from 12-4pm at the Mount
Airy Baptist Church green space (1100 Block of First Place NW at the
end of the block).
The annual Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid Back to School Bash
will be on Saturday, August 26, at Eastern Market Metro Plaza from
11am-4pm. Backpacks must be requested ahead of time through this
Hill Family Biking Back to School Bike Ride will
start at Maury Elementary and ride past Hill area schools
on a progressive bike ride (you can either join at the start or at a
school of your choice), ending at Watkins for some fun at the splash
pad and the athletic fields: Saturday, September 2, from
back to school events hosted by District agencies
outside of Ward 6, including a Ready
for Pre-K virtual workshop, back
to school celebration, and of course, the annual
Brown Day, where free backpacks will be given out to
Related: For any families
navigating special education at their school, I want to make sure
you’re aware of the DC
Special Education Hub, an initiative of the
DC Ombuds for Public Education, an independent, impartial office that
helps students and families with questions, concerns, and complaints
about DC public and public charter schools. Their team connects
families with tools, information, and one-on-one support so families
can make informed decisions to guide their child’s learning. They have
several events coming up, including an Introduction
to the Special Education Eligibility Process Online
Training and an in-person training on the Terminology
of Special Education.
Kids Ride Free
It's also important to make sure your kids have a
transportation plan for getting to and from school every day on time.
If they take public transit, make sure they take advantage of the Kids
Ride Free program. Kids ages 5-21 who are District residents and
attend elementary or secondary public, public charter, private, or
parochial school located in DC, or youth in the care of the District
are eligible. Students and families should contact the main office at
their school to connect with their school’s Kids Ride Free ID
Administrator. Students new to the District will be prioritized for
new 2023-24 cards, as the 2022-23 school year cards will work until
September 30. Learn
If your school is having a hard time getting kids their cards
(and trust me, I hear from a lot of frustrated parents and students
that can't get their cards from the program), please let me or my team
know so we can assist!
DC Central Kitchen’s New Ward 6 Headquarters
Last week, I got to visit and tour DC
Central Kitchen’s new Southwest DC headquarters in
Ward 6. DC Central Kitchen does great work to combat hunger in the
District by providing nutritious meals to thousands of DC residents.
By the end of the year, there will be 250 full-time jobs at the new
headquarters, as well as the capacity to train another 250 per year
for jobs in hotels and restaurants. I fought hard to bring their new
HQ to Ward 6 and Southwest and the jobs they both bring and create is
the major reason why. The facility is beautiful and built around
people. And you've probably encountered the food they prepare out at
your neighborhood corner store or elsewhere. They have a café, as
well, at the front entrance, so if you find yourself on Buzzard Point,
drop in for lunch or a coffee. I'm really glad we've got DC Central
Kitchen as neighbors, and I hope you feel inspired by the great work
happening for all of DC right here in Ward 6.
Funding to Transition to Cleaner Appliances
Back in February, I introduced
a bill that would make it easier and faster for District residents
to switch to clean electric stoves and electric heating from fossil
fuel-powered appliances - and, importantly, to make this expensive
process affordable. The legislation would use the federal dollars
coming to the District through the Inflation Reduction Act to cover
the costs of the appliance and installation for households earning
less than $80,000 and create programs to train residents and small
businesses to make installations. The Washington
City Paper reported last week that the District
is set to receive $59.4 million through the Home
Energy Rebate programs funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and can
now apply to submit implementation plans. The rebate programs and my
"Healthy Homes Act" are major steps towards progress in climate,
health, and housing justice. There is increasing consensus that gas
appliances lead to poor air quality in homes and can contribute to
respiratory disease. And fossil fuel-powered appliances emit carbon –
if we’re going to meet our goals as a city for reducing carbon
emissions, this switch is necessary and urgent. We know that lower
income communities disproportionately bear the brunt of the effects of
climate change and are more likely to experience negative health
outcomes tied to home air quality like asthma. It’s critical that we
make clean air in our homes and reducing each household’s carbon
emissions a priority that is accessible to all District residents. I’m
hopeful that the Healthy Homes Act will advance at the Council this
Capital One Arena, Not RKF, Should Be the Priority
Stadium Deal
I spoke a bit about the future of the land at
RFK in my last newsletter following the finalization of the sale of
the Commanders to Josh Harris. Since then, we’ve seen Rep. Comer,
chair of the US House committee with oversight of the District,
introduce legislation that would give control of the land to the
District, something I fully support. However, as I argue in my recent
for the Washington Post, I remain opposed to a new
stadium for the Commanders. Not only are NFL stadiums a poor use of
land and you tax dollars, but we already have proven economic
generators in Capital One Arena and Nationals Park that will need
investment from the District in the coming years and should
be priorities over a new space that will sit dark for 90 percent of
the year. This is especially true for Capital One Arena when we’re
talking about what that space and its year-round programming mean for
the economic future of our downtown. Keep in mind, while the sale of
the team and introduction of the Comer bill are exciting developments,
there’s no proposal in front of the Council just yet; this will be a
years-long process.
DOB Enforcement of Misused Capitol Hill Residences
For many, many years, Capitol Hill neighbors - particularly
those close to the Capitol - have lived with a challenging situation
in which homes are owned by bad actor anonymous or obscure LLCs and,
while ostensibly serving as residences, actually function more as
political or commercial spaces. It’s a problem I've worked with
neighbors on for years, with little enforcement action taken by the
agency formerly known as DCRA (now two agencies: the Department of
Buildings and the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection).
However, the Department of Buildings is under new leadership in Acting
Director Brian Hanlon. In my first meeting with him, I raised this
challenge, and he's taking it seriously. While this might not be the
top issue facing the city, these should be homes people can live in –
and when those homes aren’t available because they’re being misused
for activities they aren’t zoned for, it takes up our housing stock.
They also come with unacceptable noise, parking, and trash impacts to
surrounding neighbors. Hope to share more on the Department of
Buildings' actions soon, and neighbors and ANC leadership have been
working hard to identify problem properties for enforcement.
Celebrating the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly
Scholarship Fund
This past weekend, I spent time with students and
families at the 50th anniversary celebration
for the Southwest
Neighborhood Assembly Scholarship Fund, which provides support for
young folks going to college and beyond. The Scholarship Fund started
in 1974 with three awards and $1,500 and has since provided more than
$580,000 in scholarships to support our young District residents
pursuing their future goals. Congrats to all our
scholarship winners, and keep up the good work, SWNA!
Basics of Social Security with Congresswoman
Join Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton for a
discussion on the basics of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
with the Social Security Administration, the Center for Medicare, and
Medicaid Services, and the DC Healthcare Finance Agency next month on
September 12th from 12-1:30pm. Link
to register.
How to Successfully Get Yard Waste Removed
My office has received a number of calls lately in which yard
waste hasn't been collected. Since the process has switched, let me
take a quick moment to share how to ensure your yard waste gets
collected by DPW. You
can find all of the guidance here, including what is and is not
acceptable yard waste. The quick points:
- Yard waste does not get collected or belong with regular
trash and recycling collection.
- You must make an appointment for collection via 311 (there's
an app, or just call 311 or on the website).
- And please remember to bag it in paper bags, not plastic,
with none of the items of yard waste larger than 4 inches.
- Enjoy the great feeling of a clean and tidy
Don't Miss Funky Friday at Eastern Market on August
Main Street organizations can - and should - be great support
structures for our favorite local businesses and help create new ways
to promote them and generate foot traffic on our commercial corridors.
Barracks Row Main Street has had some successful events this year, and
Eastern Market Main Street has some fun ways to shop and support local
coming up with Friday’s getting fun and funky in Eastern Market! Come
along for an end of summer fair on Friday, August 25th. Silent Disco
is happening on the C St. SE plaza, along with some fun fair food
vendors. Visit the Eastern Market Main Street tent for a map of the
participating locations, where every $5 spent will earn you an entry
to a great giveaway. Runs from 5-10 pm.
Join My Team!
We've got an exciting job opportunity in my office. If you care
about clean air and water, climate change and resiliency, and the
future of the District's transition away from fossil fuels, keep
reading. I'm looking for someone to join my team as a Legislative
Counsel or Policy Advisor for the Committee on Transportation and the
Environment. This person will be primarily focused on environmental,
climate, resiliency, energy, and natural resources issues. We're
committed to building a diverse, inclusive team, and please see the full
job posting with more details and application instructions.
Tickets to the Nats Game on September 5
I've got another pair of Nats tickets to give to Ward 6 residents
for the game on September 5th vs. the Mets at 7:05pm. As always, reply
to this email to let me know you're interested, and I'll randomly
select someone.
That's all for now. I hope you're staying cool and enjoying the
final weeks of summer. Good luck to all our youngest Ward 6-ers (and
parents and guardians) on the first day of school (I've got a new
middle schooler, myself!), and we'll see you around the
Charles Allen
