Once again, AIPAC and their right-wing donors are ramping up their efforts to defeat progressive candidates for Congress — and this cycle, they already have their targets set on Ilhan and our movement.

Ilhan for Congress

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Here comes the kitchen sink, team:

Once again, AIPAC and their right-wing donors are ramping up their efforts to defeat progressive candidates for Congress — and this cycle, they already have their targets set on Ilhan and our movement.

We've all seen AIPAC's playbook before, and we know it won't be long before their super PAC begins pouring money into Minnesota's 5th district to try and defeat us.1 That's why we're urgently asking:

Can you rush a contribution — of $3 or anything you can — to stand with Ilhan today so we have what it takes to fight back? It's so important that our movement is in this together.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

AIPAC is the same group that spent $350,000 in 2022 supporting Ilhan's primary opponent through their "United Democracy Project" super PAC.

They're the same group that launched bigoted Islamophobic attack ads against Ilhan,2 and a member of whom's national council called Ilhan a "terrorist" and suggested that she and Rashida Tlaib represent the Muslim Brotherhood.3

They're the same group whose super PAC, earlier this year, took a $1 million contribution from a billionaire Trump mega-donor, all to interfere in Democratic primaries.4

They're the same group whose super PAC didn't spend a dime helping any Democrats defeat the GOP in 2022 — instead opting to endorse over 100 Republican insurrectionists and spending tens of millions trying to defeat progressive candidates of color all across the country.

In many cases, it worked.

Now AIPAC and the United Democracy Project are already gearing up for 2024, and have begun recruiting challengers to run against Ilhan and her fellow incumbent Squad members.

AIPAC continues to attack and spread bigoted lies about Ilhan and our movement. We need your help fighting back, as soon as we can, and the only way we do that is together. So please:

Can you make a contribution of $3 or anything you can to Ilhan and our re-election campaign today? It's critical that we have the resources necessary to fight back against AIPAC and everything the right wing will throw our way.

As always, thank you for being a part of our fight.

- Team Ilhan


1 - Jewish Insider
2 - Washington Post
3 - The Intercept
4 - Haaretz



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033