EpochTV: Congress cedes power to the administrative state via this legal loophole


Will Yeatman joined EpochTV’s American Thought Leaders to discuss the legal doctrine that’s fueled the executive branch’s most egregious power grabs over the past 20 years and how the Supreme Court is poised to address it.

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State of California must end its home equity theft loophole

According to the Supreme Court, home equity theft—the practice of governments or investors taking more than they are owed when collecting delinquent taxes—is unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, writes Jim Manley, it seems California didn’t get the memo.

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Wall Street Journal: A challenge to racial politics in medicine

The WSJ editorial board took note of PLF’s lawsuit challenging California’s implicit bias training mandate for healthcare, calling the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in medicine especially pernicious.

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Daily Journal: San Jose State professor secures settlement, restores academic freedom

A year-and-a-half-long legal battle over academic freedom came to an end for San Jose State University anthropology professor Elizabeth Weiss.

She agreed to retire as part of a settlement to dismiss her First Amendment lawsuit against SJSU. In exchange, explains David Hoffa, Professor Weiss receives full retirement benefits, emeritus status, and the freedom to pursue new research and speak her mind without risking professional destruction again.

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