Dear Friends,
New Yorkers understand the devastating impact that untreated mental illnesses can have on our neighbors. I've always believed everyone deserves high quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare, including those seeking care for serious mental illnesses.
That's why last week, I joined the mental health treatment community to introduce a bill to provide more resources to treat serious mental illnesses, the Strengthening Medicaid for Serious Mental Illness Act.
Following this announcement, I toured Fountain House, a non-profit in Hell's Kitchen focused on building community among those most impacted by mental illnesses.
We must end the devastating cycle that far too many with mental illnesses fall into when they are denied care: from our streets, to our shelters and jails. Expanding access to community-based services that connect our neighbors with housing, educational and work opportunities, and more will help break this cycle and allow those struggling to build a better life.
I hope you find this update on my work for you helpful. To receive more updates like these, click here to sign up. If I can be of assistance with a federal issue or any other matter of concern, please email me here or call one of my offices listed below.

Jerrold Nadler
Member of Congress