Friend --

Last October, Pulitzer Prize award winner Art Cullen wrote about how Trump's policies are dismantling the Midwest economy and detailed how it would spell disaster for Iowa and national Republicans.

Now four months later, things have only gotten worse for Iowa families. Our local economy is struggling to stay afloat. Layoffs are becoming more common, we're being forced to collect stipends instead of selling our crops, and Joni Ernst has completely abandoned us to protect Trump.

If things can get this much worse in four months, imagine what another six years of Joni Ernst would look like. Truth is, Iowa families can't survive another six years of Joni Ernst's partisanship. The time to flip the Senate has come, and our best chance to do so is by defeating Joni.

Friend, can you chip in $5 or more to help defeat Joni and flip the Senate this year?

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Joni Ernst has been collecting countless political favors this year.

She protected Trump from constitutional oversight, and she's given him cover for his disastrous trade war. And by serving the NRA's interests time and time again, she's made sure gun manufacturers keep raking in profits while our kids and communities are left vulnerable to gun violence.

When it comes time for Joni to cash in on these favors, Iowa will be flooded by Trump and special interest money. We need to fight back and ensure that all her special favors fall short.

Chip in now to help defeat Joni Ernst in 2020 -- let's make Iowa the place where the GOP falls short. Thanks,

Mark Langgin
Campaign Manager

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P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA 50321