Modern Collection

The clowns who run the State of Virginia sure must like the State of California because THEY ARE FAST TRYING TO BECOME US.  When it comes to gun control, that is.  Ever since the Left took over their statehouse in 2018, anti-gun bills have been at the top of their agenda.  GOC is happy to report, however, that the pressure put on legislators back east by the pro-gun community was so intense that the bill to ban “assault weapons” is dead…for now.  This is good news and a superb example of what can happen when 2nd Amendment folks hang tough together.

We’re heavy into the 2020 Election so be sure to check out the latest news about the Democrat presidential candidates – there’s a lot of money and flip-flopping going around!


And speaking of presidential candidates, read GOC’s latest blog – it’s a terrific piece on the anti-gun lies of Michael Bloomberg: Bloomberg’s Lies About Children Gun Deaths Off by a Mere 73%: Now That’s Sinister.


GREAT NEWS: Virginia Lawmakers Reject Assault Weapon Ban | Stripes.Com

And it was a bipartisan move that killed the bill – for now.

Joe Biden: It Is Rational to Prohibit ’50 Clips in a Weapon’ | Breitbart

Oh Joe…

Bloomberg-Founded Group Spending $8 Million on Gun Control Candidates | Breitbart

And this is just in Texas!

Everytown Distances Bloomberg Comments… | The Gun Feed

But yet, they are addicted to his billions.

Brawl Breaks Out at Bernie Sanders Rally | The Gun Feed

And it was over a “Black Guns Matter” T-shirt.

How Bernie Sanders Fell in Line on Gun Control | Free Beacon

Sanders flip-flops on gun rights following Clinton's 2016 attacks.

Trump Interior Budget Proposal Delivers for Hunters & Recreational Shooters | NSSF

Watch the VIDEO!

Correct: Expanded Background Checks Don’t Lower Mass Shooting Rate | Breitbart

So says a new study from John Hopkins School of Public Health

Recent Attacks Show the “Tolerant” Left is Violently Intolerant | Ammoland

Make no mistake – the Left doesn’t want any peace with gun owners.

ATF Proposes Step to Make a National Gun Registry Easier | Ammoland

New rules would make for some seriously bad public policy.

Democrats Fundraise Off Anniversary of Parkland Shooting | Breitbart

They’ve never let a tragedy go to waste.
