Green Party of Canada

Dear Friend,

You may be worried this summer, as some of the world swelters in unprecedented heat and other parts deal with unprecedented flooding. Will leaders ever listen? I wanted to take some time to write and tell you why I think they must listen, and what we can do about it.

Recently, an unassuming lake in Ontario attracted international attention. The Washington Post reported that a group of scientists say the best evidence for humanity’s overwhelming impact on the planet could be found in Crawford Lake, just outside of Milton, Ontario. The lake’s location, as a water-filled sinkhole in limestone, has made it one of the best locations in the world to absorb signs of change from the outside world.

Professor Francine McCarthy, of Brock University, led this research, digging into the sediments of this lake. It shows that humans have transformed the earth’s chemistry and climate, particularly in the last seven decades. “It’s a line in the sand,” she was quoted as saying. On July 11th, this humble, yet completely unique, lake was declared the “golden spike”: the strongest evidence for the starting point of the Anthropocene era (a new geological age marking human-influenced change in the planet).

Crawford lake

The importance of this research is clear - we can no longer deny the impact human activity is having on our climate. Yet as much as Dr. McCarthy’s research is a recognition of humanity’s culpability, it also contains a positive message.

She found that, after 1963, when nations agreed to ban nuclear weapons testing, plutonium concentrations in Crawford Lake started to diminish. Legislated pollution controls are reflected in lower fly ash count from power plants. Finally, increases in the lake’s distinctive calcite bands during the 1980s are a sign of successful efforts to combat acid rain. Change and repair are still possible!

Friend, the time is right for the Green Party. As evidence such as Dr. McCarthy’s, along with the terrifying climate challenges we have seen this summer, begin to take hold of people’s imaginations, we as Greens have an unprecedented opportunity to offer both realism and hope to voters who will decide our country’s future in the next election, as long as we are prepared to fight that election.


Donate to help us make the most of this opportunity

As I’m sure you know, our Leader, Elizabeth May, has experienced a health challenge this summer; one unlike anything she has confronted in her life before. She is, however, regaining her strength quickly. For me, the connection between Dr. McCarthy’s research and Elizabeth May is clear and compelling.

We need Elizabeth, in parliament, fighting for us, now, more than ever.

Since 1970, Elizabeth has worked tirelessly to fight for the environment and raise funds to support environmental action, including helping to elect fellow Greens to parliament. In the next parliament, we need more Green MPs to help her fight to get the legislation we need to enable change and repair of our planet.

Elizabeth will be back in parliament in September, working hard for all of us. In the meantime, please consider sending her your best wishes for her good health. A donation to encourage her in both her recovery and her work would make an enormous difference – both to her and to the Party to which she has dedicated so many years and so much effort.

Donate and send your best wishes to Elizabeth

Please allow me a moment to thank you for all of the ways in which you, as a supporter of the Green Party, encourage all of us who work so hard to ensure that the messages of the need for environmental change are carried into our parliament. With your help, we will have an even greater impact in the next election.

Warm Regards,

Kevin Dunbar
Executive Director
Green Party of Canada


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.