
The VA just extended the deadline to file retroactive claims for benefits under the Honoring Our PACT Act. If you’re a veteran or if you’re close with someone who served, I hope you’ll read this email and help me get the word out.
Last year, I voted for the PACT Act — the largest expansion of VA benefits in decades. The PACT Act expands health care and benefits for more than five million service members who were exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxins during their service.
To get retroactive PACT Act compensation dating back to last year, veterans must file claims or submit a notice of their intent to file by 10:59 PM CT on Monday, August 14, 2023. There is no deadline to file claims for new benefits, but the window is closing soon to get benefits backdated to August 2022.

Learn more about the PACT Act and submit your claim or intent to file here

Due to high volume of claims, some veterans have received error messages when submitting claims. If you received one of these messages, don’t worry — your claim will be logged and your effective date for benefits saved. You can also call 1-800-MY-VA-411 for help.

Learn More/File

San Antonio is Military City U.S.A., and I’ve always believed that we have a sacred obligation to help our veterans. As the PACT Act celebrates its first anniversary, I want to make sure all San Antonio veterans get the benefits they deserve.
Last year, my office helped San Antonio veterans get over $320,000 in earned benefits from the VA. If you need help with the VA or other federal agencies, you can always call 210-348-8216 to speak with a member of my staff.

Thank you,



Joaquin Castro
Member of Congress

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