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Making Muni Faster: Quick Build + Curb Management
Muni Budget Open House
Sunday Streets - Build the Movement!


Two wins to speed up Muni!

Sometimes it's really hard to convey what some street design changes can do to improve your transit ride. But we helped achieve two wins the SFMTA Board this week, each with potentially far-reaching impact on improving Muni. Together, they're even better!

First is Muni Quick Build, which we've been advocating for. This is a way to speed up smaller street changes that help Muni buses along (we'll get to light rail too, promise!). Some of these street changes can be:

  • move a stop to the far side of an intersection, which lets buses move faster, especially when the traffic light is timed to give Muni the green light
  • adding left- or right-turn pockets to get cars out of the way, or restricting turns
  • adding a queue jump, which helps the bus beat traffic

SFMTA is focusing these changes on Muni Forward corridors, and 10 other "hot spots" where Muni is particularly slow. The idea is we don't have to wait for changes to go through the full bureaucracy of Board approval. We can implement pilot projects, getting relief for riders faster, and still reassess any needed changes later in the process.  

This tool can really speed up better service for riders on the 29 Sunset. While SFMTA staff starts the outreach and planning process for a larger upgrade to the route (like adding Rapid service!), they can identify quick fixes to improve service sooner.

Second, Curb Management. 

We've been working with SFMTA staff as they've developed a comprehensive curb management strategy and policy, and it's a huge step forward. Until now, you pretty much only got a loading area if a local business wanted it and could pay for it - so businesses wouldn't pay, and deliveries and customers just double-park for free.

The curb management program will prioritize curb use depending on the street use, and will prioritize movement first (think bicycle lanes, transit lanes), access for people second (think bus stops, passenger loading), and will move car storage down the list. This should reduce double-parking, increase access to local businesses, make streets safer, and smooth the way for Muni to move more reliably.

This policy will of course touch on two other key issues: evening parking meters, and flag stops (bus stops with parking allowed in front of them). So stay tuned for how we can improve bus stops for all riders!


Next Steps on the upcoming Muni Budget

We spoke up for a fare freeze, and over 60 members emailed in their support to the SFMTA Board. As a result many board members voiced concerns over the increase. We need your help to keep the pressure on the SFMTA board between now and the final vote in April.

Too many people are struggling just to get by in San Francisco, and they depend on transit in order to keep getting by. Fares have been increased over the past few years, yet fare revenue has been dropping. As a general rule, don't raise prices when sales are down - instead, improve service and get more folks on board.

We want service increases, which are shown to lead to ridership increases. We want Muni to roll out quick-build projects and make it easier to ride transit. This is how we grow the system. If public transit is a public service we value, if we have a climate emergency and a city goal to increase ridership, we need to look to the broader city to help pay for Muni service.

Come to the SFMTA's open house to learn more about what's in the budget, what SFMTA's priorities are, and let them know what you want to see. 

SFMTA Budget Open House
March 11, 2020 4-7pm
One South Van Ness, 2nd Floor Atrium

Wear your SFTR t-shirt, button, or lapel pin - let them know we're in the room!


Sunday Streets - Build the Movement!

Sunday Streets 2020 season starts March 8! We're looking forward to a full year of getting out to celebrate car-free spaces and to engage more and more people in our rider-first campaigns.

We need your help to make it happen - come get trained on the set up, outreach tools, and talking points so you can jump in, reach riders, and help us grow our rider-first movement.

Thursday, February 27
795 Folsom St.

Pizza (or other tasty snacks) will be provided.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
