RISING CONCERNS ONLINE: In our recent Online Hate & Harassment report, we revealed just how toxic the online environment has become for Jews. Among the thousands of people surveyed, 80% of Jewish people were concerned about being harassed for their religion compared to 41% of non-Jews. Read the report
to find out more about these concerns and ADL recommendations for addressing these entrenched problems.
→ READ more.
BECOMING A KILLER: In the wake of the guilty verdicts for Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue murderer Robert Bowers, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt shines a spotlight on the role of tech in Bowers’ evolution.
“Before Robert Bowers was a convicted mass murderer, he was a middle-aged truck driver who mostly kept to himself. ... He fell deep into the rabbit hole of conspiratorial thinking. Unlike in generations past, Bowers didn’t need to wear a white hood at Klan rallies in hidden forests when he made these claims. He could speak his mind at online ‘rallies’ 24/7.”
→ READ ‘Complicit: Big Tech and Antisemitism.’
EFFECTIVE EDUCATION: Among people in the U.S. who had learned the correct number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust, there was far less belief in anti-Jewish tropes — in some cases, less than half as much belief in these problematic stereotypes. This finding from our study of antisemitic attitudes shows that Holocaust education can be a game-changer in intervening against antisemitic beliefs.
→ READ more about antisemitic attitudes in the US.
KULANU, KULANU, KULANU! A growing number of synagogues are taking action against antisemitism through ADL’s Kulanu initiative, a no-cost, self-paced program that empowers synagogues of any size, location, or movement to mobilize members and the local community to fight hate. Encourage your synagogue to apply today; registration closes August 15, 2023.
→ READ more and apply now!
SIX MILLION COOKIES: This ghoulish phrase has become a way for people to express doubts about the extermination of European Jews during the Holocaust. Read more about this new entry in ADL’s Glossary of Extremism, who popularized the phrase and how it is being used as an antisemitic dog whistle.
→ READ more about ‘Six Million Cookies.’