News Updates 
February 21

Ohio's Auditor is warning school districts that are on the ballot to make sure they are not using taxpayer or state money to fund their campaigns.

Term-limits ballot proposal: Let Ohio lawmakers serve 16 years in same chamber

Ohioans overwhelmingly approved term limits for state lawmakers nearly three decades ago, with almost 7 in 10 voting to restrict legislators' service to eight consecutive years in the same chamber.

Now, a group wants Ohioans to revise the 1992 decision by altering the term-limits constitutional amendment to limit Senate and House members to serve up to 16 years - consecutive or not - in either or both chambers.

Current term limits, which began in 2000, restrict legislators to eight years: Senators can serve two consecutive four-year terms and state representatives can serve four consecutive two-year terms.

A group known as Ohioans for Legislative Term Limits filed more than 2,400 signatures and petition language with the office of Attorney General Dave Yost on Wednesday seeking to place a constitutional amendment on the Nov. 3 election ballot.

The group would need to gather at least 442,958 valid signatures of registered Ohio voters by July 1 to place the "Lifetime General Assembly Term Limits Amendment" on the statewide ballot.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart

While I have great fondness for some of the visuals I've created over the years (especially "two wagons" and "apple harvesting"), I confess that none of my creations have ever been as clear and convincing as the iconic graph on education spending and education outcomes created by the late Andrew Coulson.

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