

You know when you see the words “Democrats” and “Illinois” in the same article that it’s not gonna be good… 

With the COVID-19 pandemic in the rear-view mirror, we are now seeing the kind of corruption that occurred with Democrat-controlled state governments across the country. And nowhere else is it more apparent than here in Illinois… 

Deep-blue state doled out $5.2 billion in 'overpayments' during COVID

We couldn’t make this up if we tried. It’s one thing to forget a few dollars, it’s another thing to misappropriate $5.2 BILLION DOLLARS of COVID relief money and not audit it until now. 

This is yet another symptom of the blatant corruption that the Illinois Democrats have gotten away with for too long in our state. They thought that their corruption would go unchecked, but unfortunately for them, WE EXIST! 

The Illinois Republican Party is working hard at all levels to get responsible conservative leaders elected at all levels that will not fall victim to these corrupt games. But we can’t make it happen without YOUR HELP!

Can you support our party today with a contribution of any size to help us field candidates for 2024 from the state house to Congress? >>


For Illinois,

Illinois Republican Party

Paid for by the Illinois Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Illinois.GOP


Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
