

Dear John,


Yesterday, I toured the active scene of the Cedar Park wildfire at the Bexley at Silverado and in the surrounding area. We don’t know the full extent of the damage, but it's clear it has been devastating for some of our neighbors.
At least one building within the Bexley apartment complex is a total loss. This is 24 homes lost overnight, potentially more. Further residences are still being accessed, while some families have been able to return home.
Thankfully no lives were lost and there were no significant injuries. I’m grateful for the work of the first responders as well as the local and state government agencies that prevented this from being even worse.
While the fire is largely contained, the weather conditions over the next few days do entail a risk of spread and residents should remain vigilant.
The American Red Cross continues to provide support, and those in need may reach their Austin office at 1-800-733-2767. Local charities like Hill Country Community Ministries are also assisting those affected with food, clothes, and similar resources.
Molly and I have donated, and I hope you will join us in doing so as you are able. All contributions will be used to directly assist those affected by the wildfire.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

John Bucy III

State Representative


Political advertising paid for by John Bucy Campaign, Hon. Heather Jefts, treasurer.


Our mailing address is:

John Bucy Campaign

P.O. Box 536, Austin, TX 78767