Stop Home Equity Theft in Arizona!

Home equity is property. Taking it is home equity theft. But in 13 states, the property tax foreclosure process results in homeowners completely losing all their home equity, beyond what is owed for property taxes, interest, and fees.

PLF is fighting home equity theft across the country, and this week we won a major victory in Arizona.

With PLF stewardship, the Arizona State Legislature is correcting this injustice. HB 2445, known as the Equity Theft Prevention Act, will end home equity theft for all Arizonans. On Wednesday, the bill was reported out of committee and now heads to the full Arizona House for consideration.

To show the importance of ending home equity theft in Arizona, PLF released an original new report showing how tax foreclosures in the state’s most populous county have left property owners with a loss of more than 99% of their home equity.

Read the Report

Jim Manley and Daniel Dew describe the real-world damage that home equity theft can inflict on homeowners (like government stealing someone’s entire home equity for an $8 property tax miscalculation).

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The Hill: Ending racial quotas in Hartford’s magnet schools is a big step for equality

After years of failing to “win” a spot in Hartford, Connecticut’s magnet-school lottery system, black and Hispanic families such as LaShawn Robinson’s discovered the admissions process was rigged against them.

Under state law, magnet schools that failed to enroll (and maintain) at least 25% white or Asian students would lose funding. As a result, these schools capped black and Hispanic enrollment at 75%.

Oliver Dunford tells us how a federal civil rights lawsuit brought by Robinson and several other families prompted the state of Connecticut to change course on race-based admissions.

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