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Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

By John W. Whitehead on Aug 10, 2023 05:06 am

police stateit makes no difference whether you live in a small town or a big city, or whether you stand with the government or mobilize against it: either way, the government is still out to get you.

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Speak-up Virginia: Barbie, Hunter Biden Scandals, & Presidential Campaign Blunders with TFF President Victoria Cobb

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Aug 10, 2023 04:58 am

Hear how the Barbie movie is causing controversy in the culture war, Biden's administration continues to change the narrative on Hunter's scandals. Plus, Victoria gives her take on recent presidential blunders. Tune in for Victoria's first episode back in the studio!

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Remembering “The Sweetheart of the Silent Majority,” Phyllis Schlafly

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Aug 10, 2023 04:52 am

Phyllis_SchlaflyPhyllis Schlafly was a gladiator of the conservative, grassroots, pro-family, pro-America movement. Her legacy and life can help America and inspire the next generation to...

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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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