Weekly Reads
“Tech philanthropy is booming, but it doesn’t think nearly enough about the needs of the organizations it hopes to help. Here’s a roundup of best practices and resources that can help tech firms move fast and fix how they fund nonprofits.” [more]
—Miriam Warren, Yelp Foundation, in SSIR
“Among those driving the new action [in social justice philanthropy] are funder affinity groups, which are promoting new philanthropic models that aim to accelerate social change. Working with vanguard foundations, they are pushing for a restructuring of grantmaking to emphasize more movement building and to promote intersectionality—the idea that different forms of discrimination and disadvantage combine, intersect or overlap in many ways.” [more]
—Louise Lief, Inside Philanthropy
“Today, there is a growing national movement to address power in philanthropy. As part of this cultural moment of reckoning, the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project invites foundations to recognize how they may be perpetuating power imbalances, even in the simple context of a meeting. We offer concrete practices that can help alleviate those dynamics while also bringing greater joy and learning to the work.” [more]
—Shaady Saledi, Director, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
"Our goal was to examine to what extent and in what ways foundations are really listening and making different decisions based on the perspectives of those they seek to help. [...] What we saw were a few foundations boldly experimenting with listening, championed internally by a small number of individuals, but a field still in many ways comfortable in its old ways, steeped in exclusivity and privilege.” [more]
—Valerie Threlfall, Ekouté Consulting, on CEP blog