
The Coronavirus outbreak has already claimed nearly 2,000 lives around the world, and at least 72,000 people are infected, including 29 Americans. 

And the corrupt Republicans in Congress and the Trump Administration are only making it worse. They’d rather cut the budget to fund tax cuts for their rich donors than fund the Centers for Disease Control to stop the pandemic. 

Now Trump is proposing slashing the CDC budget. That’s an outrage.

The new video from our friends at The Agenda Project, called “Trump Cuts Kill” calls them out. 

Will you help us share this video on FACEBOOK or TWITTER far and wide to call them out for funding tax cuts for their donors instead of keeping us safe?

We don’t know how bad things are going to get, but we do know one thing: the US government is less prepared to protect the American people because of Trump budget cuts.

The Trump Administration has relentlessly weakened our ability to respond to global outbreaks, mostly in an attempt to make room in the budget for his border wall and tax breaks for the rich. 

His budget cuts to the CDC have forced them to end efforts at preventing outbreaks in 39 out of 49 countries (including China). 

He eliminated the global health czar position at the National Security Council in charge of coordinating the government's response to outbreaks. 

And he has doubled down: his 2021 budget proposal demands a 16% cut to the CDC, a $3 billion cut to NIH, and a $3 billion cut to global health programs. 

He did all this to pay for his racist border wall and the Tax Scam he pulled on the American people as a gift to his wealthy donors. 

Meanwhile, he goes around claiming that the virus will die off by itself in the spring, despite the fact that his own CDC director says it’s likely to stick around beyond this year. 

These budget cuts are more than just numbers on a page, they represent life and death decisions, and Trump has blood on his hands. 

Help us get the word out: Share the video from our friends at the Agenda Project and hold them accountable.

Thank you for all you do,

The HAZMAT America Team


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