Yesterday, Ohioans went to the ballot and sent a resounding message to anti-choice extremist legislators in the state: You cannot silence the pro-choice movement. Thanks to the hard work of pro-choice activists, abortion rights will be on the ballot this fall, and Republican efforts to make it harder for voters to be heard failed spectacularly.
Here's what we can learn from last night's victory:
- Ohio is a pro-choice state.
- When choice is on the ballot, choice wins.
- As long as Republicans keep pushing their extremist anti-choice agenda, they will lose.
That's why, at EMILYs List, we work year in and year out on electing Democratic pro-choice women to office nationwide, up and down the ballot. Pro-choice leaders keep abortion rights front and center, and they fight for our freedom no matter what.
If you'd like to support our work electing more pro-choice champions to office, donate now:
Thanks for your support. And GO OHIO!!
- the EMILYs List Team