Last week, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed a state budget bill while also line-item vetoing funding for Lifeline Scholarships, also known as the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success (PASS) Program.

This doesn’t mean the fight to save kids from violent, underperforming schools is over. Not by a long shot.

The budget still isn’t complete. That’s why we must keep the pressure going. Lifeline Scholarship/PASS funding is still on the bargaining table.

Your lawmaker needs to know that leaving thousands of students trapped in failing, dangerous schools is unacceptable.
Please send a message now. Demand your lawmaker support the Lifeline Scholarship/PASS Program.

Radical progressive lawmakers like House Majority Leader Matt Bradford think Pennsylvanians have forgotten about this crucial fight.

We need to send them a reminder. Your lawmakers need to know that our students deserve better. They deserve Lifeline Scholarship/PASS funding.

Send that message now. Demand funding for Lifeline Scholarships/PASS.

Commonwealth Foundation


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