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Doden Challenges Candidates: Put your plans on paper! 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 

[email protected]

FORT WAYNE, IN - Last night, in Rochester at the Fulton County GOP candidate forum, Eric Doden laid out a bold challenge to all gubernatorial candidates on stage: put your plans on paper so people can read them!

"I'm the only candidate on this stage and in this race that has publicly put my plans in writing. You can read all of my detailed policy plans on my website, or grab a copy of them at the end of this forum. All of the other candidates on stage tonight, out of respect for the voters, should do the same. If you are asking people for their vote, they deserve to see in full detail how you plan to solve their problems," said Doden. 

Campaign websites for Senator Mike Braun, Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch, and former Attorney General Curtis Hill are heavy on rhetoric, but slim on solutions to the problems facing Hoosiers.

Doden is running a 'campaign of ideas' with detailed, pragmatic, and bold policy solutions at the heart of his message. His website lays out blueprints for fixing crime in Indianapolis, protecting the vulnerable by making Indiana the first state to pursue zero-cost adoption, and fixing the problem politicians have yet to solve or care about: revitalizing our small towns and Main Streets across the state and Midwest. 

"I lead from my faith. Faith without works is dead--and bold rhetoric without solutions is just talk." 

ICYMI: WATCH Eric Doden's newest ad below!

Please direct all media inquiries to [email protected] 



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