Dear Friend,
As executive director of Courage California, I go to a lot of meetings and panel discussions. I’m rarely surprised. But the opening line of a recent panel on climate change shook me.
The speaker said, “Welcome to the coolest summer you’ll ever enjoy again.”
It’s been a miserable summer. Southern California experienced one of its longest ever stretches of triple-digit days in July.(1) An awful wildfire season is expected.(2) July 2023 is the hottest July ever recorded -- just as July 2022 was, and July 2021 before it.(3)
So, yes, as hard as it is to imagine, 2024 will be worse, and every year thereafter. We are in the midst of a climate emergency, and it’s time our legislators and corporate America act like it. You can help make that happen -- we will get to how in a moment.
Climate MUST be a top issue in the upcoming elections. Will you help us ensure that candidates don’t ignore the earth?
It’s been nearly eight years since the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions worldwide was established, and nearly seven since the United States pulled out of it. In the time since, we’ve actually increased global-warming emissions.(4)
We just aren’t converting to renewable energy fast enough, we aren’t getting off plastics fast enough, we aren’t reducing our carbon footprint fast enough. Or, at all, really. And without these changes, we will continue to see terrible hurricane seasons, floods, wildfires, and rising sea levels until life is just not sustainable.
The one glimmer of hope is that voters are finally starting to agree, and in record numbers.
Our sister organization, Courage California Institute, conducted a poll of California voters in conjunction with a coalition of advocates to see how we really feel about climate change when it comes to our jobs and the economy, since we typically list those as our most important concerns.
The results were startling.
Nearly 3 of 4 voters said that they don’t want new job creation that compromises the health of their families, including with climate change. More than 80% of voters of color are seeing damaging effects of climate change in their own lives, including health hazards like asthma and pollution. Seven of 10 women and voters of color think the state needs to shift its focus to renewable energy. And more than a third of us think we can convince our legislators to act -- so let’s do it.
In this day and age, 70% of voters agreeing on anything is remarkable. Those are election-winning numbers.
And you know what else many of the voters agree on? California is not doing enough right now to address climate change. Voters want more punishment for polluting corporations, better tax breaks and investments for green technologies, and improved protections for our drinking water.
Friend, you can help Courage California turn these poll numbers into electing champions for the environment at the ballot box. In the next 18 months, we will be electing everyone from municipal supervisors to president of the United States, and our very lives depend on making climate one of the top issues of the campaigns.
Courage California is putting these poll numbers in the hands of media outlets and politicians so they know where voters stand. We’re planning some of our biggest advertising campaigns in our history, especially in swing districts. And if we can raise enough, we will hire on-the-ground organizers to let voters know that they’re not alone in prioritizing climate change and the health of their families.
We can put the environment at the center of California politics, where it needs to be -- but only with your help. Will you donate?
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, and Lindsay (the Courage team)
PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?
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Footnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4.