Dear John,
What difference can just one person really make?
With our culture seeming to grow darker every day, many may be tempted to sit on the sidelines, convinced that they can't change things.
But the truth is: it only takes one!
Just look at the freshman Senator from Alabama, Tommy Tuberville. Since March, he has been in a David vs. Goliath standoff with the Biden administration's Department of Defense (DOD) and even fellow senators in order to protect unborn lives and the rule of law.
You see, since last summer's U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs case overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the power to the people and our elected representatives to set abortion policy, this pro-abortion administration has sought every means possible to expand abortion.
That included the Pentagon starting this Spring to offer stipends for abortions and abortion-related travel to military members and their families -- in direct violation of federal law. It is estimated that this policy could result in 4,000 unborn lives lost each year.
Senator Tuberville knew he had to take a stand, even if he was the only one.
But he hasn't been. Family Research Council has been covering his courageous stand through our Washington Stand news outlet and helping to educate concerned citizens across America through our national TV and radio program, Washington Watch.
When you join our limited time, It Only Takes One Campaign today, your generous gift will have 4x the impact in helping educate, empower, and equip believers to stand for biblical truth just like Senator Tuberville.
Remember, thanks to generous friends of FRC, your donation will be QUADRUPLED through the $100,000 Matching Gift -- if received before the Friday midnight deadline.
I Want to Quadruple My Impact
When Senator Tuberville began his stand for the unborn and for principle, pundits and politicians alike thought it wouldn't last. Placing a hold on military promotions until the Pentagon reverses funding abortions has earned him constant critique from the White House, mainstream media, and fellow congressmen.
But for months he has courageously stood firm -- and in turn inspired his Republican colleagues to draw a line in the sand.
When the House of Representatives recently passed their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that lays out military funding for the next year, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) defended the bill's pro-life positions and demonstrated that compromising on core values is not an option.
John, your sphere of influence probably looks completely different from Senator Tuberville's, but this is what can happen when one person chooses to take a stand.
It only takes one lone voice speaking the truth to embolden others and enlighten minds.
What if every Bible-believing Christian in America took seriously the calling of Jesus for each of us to be salt and light in the darkening world around us? What situations in your community, church, neighborhood, school, or family could be changed?
That's why we want to send you a free copy of our Center for Biblical Worldview's latest publication, An Introduction to Worldview, as a small thank you for your gift today.
Answering some of the biggest questions everyone faces (e.g., why are we here... what has gone wrong with our world... is there any hope?), this booklet will equip you to make an impact and inspire others to live out their faith.
Thank you for joining FRC today with your prayers and generous partnership to reach millions of believers across the nation, empowering them to stand for biblical truth no matter the cost!
For America,

William G. Boykin Lt. Gen. (R) US Army Executive Vice President