Oregon nonprofit workers keep unionizing and we’re here for it


This morning our comrades at the Fair Housing Council of Oregon announced their intent to unionize with Communications Workers of America as the Fair Housing Workers of Oregon (FHWO). 

In a letter to management, FHWO wrote:

“We are asking for voluntary recognition because we know that FHCO values equity and justice, and forming a union will allow employees to continue to do the important work of combating housing discrimination in Oregon while ensuring our own protections.”

Join us in solidarity with FHWO. Support them by retweeting and reposting on Instagram. If you represent a nonprofit, community organization, or labor union, sign this letter to FHCO management, requesting that they live up to the organization’s values and recognize the FHWO union.

Consistent with our objective to grow union density and worker power within the progressive nonprofit sector, Breach offered support to FHCO staff as they worked to prepare the launch of this campaign. The bold action they took today isn’t easy to do, but it’s a crucial step towards building a stronger, more democratic, and more equitable workplace. We encourage you to show them some love and let them know you have their backs.

FHWO is joining the rising labor movement across Oregon and the United States, including the staff of other local allied organizations like the Cascade AIDS Project, Homes for Good, Central City Concern, Outside In, Home Forward, and Legal Aid Services of Oregon. 

If you are interested in organizing your workplace, we can support you. To talk through what unionizing entails and how to get started, drop us a line at [email protected].

In solidarity,

The Breach Team
