This is one of the most important days of this campaign.

Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so critically important.

Here is the truth:

At the end of the day today, we have to make a payment for the full, final week of advertising in Super Tuesday states.

Now, we met yesterday afternoon in Nevada to formulate our plans and budgets for that last week, and the truth is that there are some gaps.

There are some states we think we can win, and, crucially, more delegates we think we can net if we have the resources to pull it off.

So we’re hoping for about 75,000 more individual donations by the end of the day. If we can hit that number, we think we will greatly improve our campaign’s chance of having a great night on Super Tuesday. But we need your help to get it done:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution before we have to send our final Super Tuesday ad payment at the end of the day? This is so important.

Super Tuesday Fundraising Drive
End of Today
Goal: 75,000 Donations
Left to Goal: 63,518
Suggested Donation Amount: $2.70


The other candidates in this race are either billionaires or have super PACs spending big to beat us.

We have each other — $2.70 at a time.

It may not seem like the kind of money that can win multiple states in one day, including many big and expensive ones, but when tens of thousands of people are chipping in alongside you, it is indeed how we win.

So we are asking:

Can you rush a $2.70 contribution before we have to send our final Super Tuesday ad payment at the end of the day?

This is one of the most important days of this campaign. Thank you for doing something meaningful to help Bernie, and our movement, win this election.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager