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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
I’m writing to ask for your help. 
Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, CPJ provided financial support to 84 journalists in Ukraine who were directly affected by the war, as well as 55 Russian journalists in the form of exile and trauma support. Separately, CPJ provided a grant that allowed at least 100 Ukrainian journalists to obtain individual first-aid kits, resulting in life-saving support to journalists in at least three instances.
However, the need is still great. In a war that has killed thousands of civilians, including at least 17 journalists, press freedom and the people’s right to be informed is more vital than ever.
In June, a Russian attack on a popular pizza restaurant in Ukraine killed 13 civilians and wounded 61, including at least two journalists. The attack is a stark reminder of the risks members of the media face as they bring the world the news of the conflict, and how such risks are hardly diminished when journalists are off-duty. You can read CPJ’s feature on the attack here.

Prolonged conflicts, such as the crises in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Myanmar, have dramatically escalated threats to journalists and journalism. As such, CPJ has made bolstering our journalist assistance and emergency support capabilities an immediate and urgent priority.

Your donation will help CPJ protect journalists and journalism in Ukraine and around the world. I hope you will consider making a gift today.


John D. Weis
Director of Development and Outreach

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Committee to Protect Journalists
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