
This year, Independent Women’s Forum, Independent Women’s Voice, and Independent Women’s Network have made huge strides in advancing the Women’s Bill of Rights (WBOR) both federally and in states across the nation. 

The model legislation developed by our Independent Women’s Law Center defines sex-based terms like ‘woman’ and ‘man’ and protects women’s spaces and opportunities when fairness and privacy are at stake. In this sense, WBOR is a truth in advertising law by clarifying the legal definition of sex in current law, requiring government funded facilities to be honest about whether locker rooms, rape crisis centers, shelters, and other private spaces admit males.

Wednesday, August 16 at 1:00 p.m. ET, investing members of Independent Women’s Network, will have the privilege to get a behind-the-scenes look at the MOMENTUM gaining in 2023 and where we go from here. 

Guest speakers include:    
  • Riley Gaines, 12x NCAA Champion, IWV Spokeswoman + Advisor
  • Cassie Craven, Plaintiff’s lawyer in the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma Case
  • Jordanne Kemper, IWV Campaign Director
  • May Mailman, IWLC Senior Legal Fellow
Questions? Please contact us at [email protected].