Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)

Classified papers? Election denialism? Destroying evidence? Lying and perjury? The Left has crafted one set of laws for itself and another for everybody else. And nothing less than the constitutional foundations of the United States are at stake. READ MORE »
Naomi R. Wolf (Substack)

Try disengaging from Indictment jubilation in Deep Blue America. If you express the worry that future Presidents may now routinely try to indict their political opponents...if you recall how Al Gore’s team contested the election results in’ll be guilty of a thought crime and cast into social outer darkness. Even if you were a member of Team Gore. READ MORE »
Edward Fuller ( The Beacon)

Since it passed over Oppenheimer’s formative years, the film did fully not reveal his misanthropy and his unbridled arrogance. In fact, Nolan’s film version whitewashes the poisoned apple incident— which was the watershed event that put Oppenheimer on the path to building the atomic bomb. READ MORE »
John C. Goodman (Forbes)

An MIT economist now says that the best healthcare systems in the world are the ones in Singapore, Australia, Israel, and Switzerland—all market-based. Independently, a conservative Republican has just introduced a bill that would go a long way toward implementing those MIT ideas. What’s going on here? READ MORE »
Christopher J. Calton (San Francisco Chronicle)

Corruption in San Francisco involving bribery for building-permits? Regrettable—but the underlying problem is not unethical bureaucrats. Try a regulatory environment so extreme that you can wait, on average, 627 days for a construction permit. Yes, it’s time to make America’s most beautiful city more so by some heavy deregulation. READ MORE »
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David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy. Independent welcomes nominations and applications for the David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy, named in honor of the late founder of Independent. The holder of the chair ensures that all research activities have intrinsic intellectual merit in the service of Independent’s mission. READ MORE »