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February 21, 2020: Fourteen U.S. states will hold presidential primaries on Super Tuesday, March 3. However, early voting has already begun in ten of those states: Arkansas, California, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

Notably, votes have already begun to be cast in the four states offering the most delegates for Democratic presidential hopefuls—California (415), Texas (228), North Carolina (110), and Virginia (99). Collectively, the ten states where voting has commenced offer 80.4% of all Democratic Super Tuesday delegates.

The fact that many ballots are being cast before the Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary could moderate the impact of those early state contests.

Only one Super Tuesday state—Alabama—will not allow early voting at any point. The remaining three states—Colorado, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma—will launch the voting process next week.

American Samoa and Democrats Abroad will also hold primaries on Super Tuesday.

A total of 1,990 pledged delegates are required to win the Democratic nomination on the first ballot. The last contested convention was held in 1952.

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Scott Rasmussen is an editor-at-large for Ballotpedia, the Encyclopedia of American Politics. He is a senior fellow for the study of self-governance at the King’s College in New York. His most recent book, Politics Has Failed: America Will Not, was published by the Sutherland Institute in August 2018.

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