It’s up to us to demand free and fair elections...

Stop Election Hackers!

Here’s what keeps me up at night, Friend...

Imagine it’s just a few days after Election Day 2020 -- and President Trump has just narrowly “won” re-election.

Then, imagine that news breaks: hackers linked to Russian intelligence infiltrated election systems in Florida and gained direct access to vote totals.

And though we’d never know for sure, experts would be on TV saying this interference might have changed the result of the 2020 election.

How would you feel in that moment?

I’d be scared for the future of our country. I’d be ashamed that our elections could be attacked so dangerously. And I’d be unsure whether our democracy -- already polarized as it is -- could survive a presidential election being declared illegitimate.

But more than anything else, I’d wish we had done more to make sure something like this could NEVER happen in America.

I don’t want to wait for that to happen, Friend. That’s why I’m asking for your help to make sure we do WHATEVER it takes ... between now and November ... in all 50 states ... to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election.

Simply put... if we can’t trust that our elections are secure and their results are accurate, then we don’t have a representative democracy anymore.

That’s why Common Cause is prioritizing election security -- working with Congress, state legislatures, and local boards of elections to implement the safeguards we need. And we’re counting on Common Cause members like you to step up -- like we’ve always been able to -- to defend our democracy when we need you most.

Your contribution today will go a long way toward making sure America has the elections it deserves -- accessible to every eligible voter, and secure from interference.





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We’re 9 months away from the 2020 presidential election -- and the first primary votes are already being cast.

But our government hasn’t done nearly enough to secure our elections from foreign attack. And despite countless warning signs -- including  including foreign infiltrations of state election systems in 2016 and 2018 -- we’re not moving nearly fast enough if we want to defend the 2020 elections against the attacks we know are coming.

Fortunately, we know the solutions -- and they don’t have to cost millions of dollars either: Paper ballots that leave a permanent, verifiable record... voting machines that don’t connect to the Internet, to keep hackers out… and risk-limiting audits to check the election results.

Implementing these solutions is the hard part. But, there’s no organization better prepared -- with our strong team of election experts, decades of experience in these issues, a track record of recruiting and training thousands of activists across the country, our 1.2 million members nationwide, grassroots democracy activists in all 50 states, and local organizing teams ready to get to work -- to answer this important call.

Ultimately, it’s up to you and me to make sure we have free and fair elections. It’s hard work, but it’s work worth doing. And, we can’t do it without your support >>

Friend, if you agree that only voters like you and me should determine the outcome of our elections, I hope you’ll step up today and help make sure of it. We simply can’t do this critically important work without you.

Thanks for all you do,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

Common Cause
805 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
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