Between now and August 18, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is accepting applications for a new awards program that will recognize nurses who are helping lead the way to health equity through practice, education, research or leadership. Co-sponsored by nursing organizations, winners in five categories will receive $1,000 each plus paid travel to and attendance at the Campaign’s health equity summit in Washington, D.C. this fall. Individuals may apply themselves or nominate an equity-minded nurse.
In addition to our blog series where nurses share their personal and professional stories about achieving health equity through nursing, we also have a series of short videos. This week, we are spotlighting the Campaign for Action’s Senior Health Equity Fellow, Paul Leon, RN, BSN, PHN, who tells his fellow nurses to never underestimate their own power to make a difference.
When she’s not working as the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program Manager with the local Veterans Administration health system, Jessica Wagner, MPH, BSN, RN is doing her part to promote health equity in her community. By sharing key health equity tools from the Campaign and RWJF with community nonprofits, Wagner is helping to reduce health disparities in her own back yard.
The AARP Center for Health Equity Through Nursing℠ (A-CHEN) is seeking nurses to serve as positive, professional role models for nursing students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, and American Indian/Alaska Native schools. Mentors benefit by being part of someone else’s growth and development in the nursing profession, and by growing their own.
The Mississippi Action Coalition in collaboration with the Nurses on Boards Coalition invites other Action Coalitions to join in a series of town hall meetings to discuss strengthening nurses’ voices to improve health equity. Be a part of raising the tide of nurse trustees pursuing health equity through collaboration and community-based approaches. The project is supported by a Health Equity Innovations Fund award, sponsored by the AARP Center for Health Equity Through Nursing and the Campaign for Action.
Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at [email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts to our blog, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Applications are due November 1st for outstanding midcareer health professionals and others with an interest in health and the drivers of health and expertise in health and health equity. Fellows who are selected actively participate in the policy process in congressional or executive branch offices of their choosing and leverage this leadership experience to promote policies, practices, and systems changes that advance health and health equity. The first of three optional applicant web conference calls is August 8th.
RWJF’s Health Data For Action (HD4A) program will support innovative research that uses data to answer important research questions and inform health policy by connecting researchers with data they need. Recognizing that access to rich data is a cornerstone of producing timely and objective research, RWJF’s HD4 program is designed to leverage health data for actionable insights. Initial brief proposals due August 18.
The American Nurses Association Innovation Awards highlight, recognize, and celebrate nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety outcomes. The awards offer $25,000 for an individual nurse and $50,000 for a nurse-led team. Research, educational interventions, care delivery models and new business or service are among the many categories. Deadline: November 3.
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